St Peter’s fish

It is a geographical variety of the European St. Peter, Zeus Faber. The bodies are oval, strongly compressed, covered with very small smooth scales. There is a series of thorny patches at the base of the dorsal and anal. The spiny rays of the dorsal are extended into long filaments. The general color is bluish gray more or less silvery, brownish on the back; the flanks have a characteristic black ocelle, haloed with light yellow. According to the legend, it would be the fingerprints of Saint Pierre, while he took the fish to remove a piece of gold … Zeus Faber Mauritanicus exists from Mauritania to South Africa. It is common, but never abundant. It frequents funds of variable nature: mud, sand and rock, between 75 and 250 m deep. The St. Peter’s are predators; they snag the small pelagic fish by means of their large extensible mouth.

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Reference:  Zeus Faber Mauritanicus

St Pierre de Mauritanie / Zeus Faber Mauritanicus / St Peter’s fish / Pez de San Pedro